Evergreen Natural Health - Bairnsdale

Evergreen Natural Health – Moonee Ponds


Tai Chi Starter Conditions

Conditions of Tai Chi Starter Special

By purchasing the Tai Chi Starter Special you agree to these conditions.


  • You have no medical condition that prevents you from safely practising Tai Chi. 4 Health Tai recommends that you seek medical advice before undergoing any training.
  • You undertake training at entirely your own risk.  You and your executors, administrators, dependants and other personal representatives, hereby absolve and indemnify the providers control (the “indemnified”) from all liability howsoever arising for injury or damage (including but not limited to the Applicant’s person, whether fatal or otherwise, property and personal belongings) however caused including by negligence of the indemnified, arising out of or participating in Martial Arts or in connection with Martial arts or in any way cause by, or arising out of, any activity carried on by the indemnified.
  • You must complete your trial lessons within 2 months of signing up to them.
  • At any stage of your trial, 4 Health Tai Chi reserves the right to cancel your trial and refund you in part or full.
  • To continue learning beyond the 5 trial lessons, you must be accepted as a student of the school.
  • You agree to abide by our Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Fellow students should be treated with respect and as comrades.


  • You must always wear an official Cheng Ming shirt in class.
  • Your Sash should also always be worn in class.  The reason is so all students know the skill levels of all other students.  It helps with the running of classes.
  • You may wear long pants or shorts, as long as they are black.
  • It’s best to wear comfortable shoes in class.
  • No jewellery is to be worn during training


Class always starts promptly at the designated start time.  Please turn up 10 minutes before the start time to get settled.  If you arrive late, please enter the training hall and stand on the sidelines.  Laoshi will invite you into the class.

What to Do When You Arrive to Class

When you arrive at the training hall, stop at the doorway/threshold and bow before you enter.  It’s the same when you leave.  Sanitise your hands on your way in.


A bow is used to show respect in the training hall.  You would bow: 1. when entering and leaving the training hall; 2. when addressing Laoshi.

If You Are Unable to Attend Class

If you are unable to attend class for an extended period (due to work, holidays, sickness) please let Laoshi know in person or by noting it in your Kicksite app.

Do Not Attend Class If You Are Unwell

If you feel unwell, please do not attend class until you feel better again.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones must be turned off/set to silent during class.  No images or videos of any kind will be taken by students.

Injuries and Ailments

Report any injuries incurred during class or new ailments to Laoshi.

Even though we have some rules in place to honour the tradition of this wonderful martial art, the training hall is an enjoyable place to learn!  All students must be friendly and respectful of all others at all times. Enjoy your martial arts journey!