Evergreen Natural Health - Bairnsdale

Evergreen Natural Health – Moonee Ponds


Back Pain Relief

With Acupuncture

Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Bairnsdale Explains Causes and Natural Solutions To Overcome Chronic Back Pain

Dr Bruce Stafford (Chinese Medicine)

2 Evelyn St, Bairnsdale Vic 3875

Acupuncture East Gippsland

Initial Assessment & Treatment

> Specialised Testing: Our full neuro-muscular exam exploring all potential causes of your condition


> ​Initial Treatment: Acupuncture & targeted muscle-strengthening bodywork


> Rep​ort of Findings: A thorough explanation of what we find from your exam and what to do about it.

Book Now

We Help People Who Suffer

With Chronic Back Pain

One of the most frustrating things in the world is not being able to participate in life’s most enjoyable activities because your body isn’t cooperating. An unfortunate fact is that many people, young to old, in the world today have to miss out on life because of debilitating low back pain.

Many active adults who suffer with back pain are told by doctors and other health professionals to simply “take some time off” the activity that they love or recommend painkillers and ice.

For us who love activities like walking, gardening, golf and other activities this is simply not a valid solution!  Especially if the pain also disturbs your sleep.

The good news is that once you understand the usual core causes of low back pain or sciatica,  you can actually do something about it with some very specific, time-honoured treatments.

Once you understand what is actually causing your low back pain, you can actually do a lot to avoid the things that caused it (and finally be rid of the pain that you might have been dealing with for years).

“We’ve been helping people with these types of problems for years and once we’ve been able to identify the root cause of the problem we’ve been able to help thousands of people get better through safe, effective care without giving up the activities they love or the use of drugs or surgery.”

“Why are we offering this Full Evaluation and Treatment?”

Well… we know that there may be questions that require answers before making a commitment so we wanted to give you that opportunity.  We also want you to experience the profound and immediate pain relief that most of our patients get from this initial appointment.

We do value the care that we provide and if we believe you are a good candidate for care then of course we will then make our recommendations for proceeding.

There is absolutely no obligation to continue after this initial evaluation and treatment and you will leave knowing the game plan for long lasting relief.

“We can’t accept everyone. We will advise if we can’t help and offer our guidance to direct in the most appropriate alternative direction.”

“We look forward to helping you on your journey to GET BACK TO A PAIN-FREE LIFE.

Dr Bruce Stafford

Bairnsdale Clinic

Evergreen Map Bairnsdale

A Different Approach to Treating Chronic Back Pain

“We help East Gippslanders overcome injuries and manage pain so they can thrive and live life on their own terms without the use of medications, injections or surgeries.”

Book Your Initial Assessment & Acupuncture Treatment Today

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is generally caused by either spine-related problems or through injuries.

  • Herniated or slipped discs – the soft tissue between your discs has popped out putting pressure on nerves resulting in pain.  This is most commonly due to wear and tear.
  • Degenerative discs – the soft tissue between the discs wears down to bone rubbing on bone.
  • Spinal stenosis – your spinal canal has narrowed putting pressure on your nerves.
  • Pinched nerve – usually caused by a herniated disc or a bone spur.
  • Arthritis – this weakens your joints and ligaments and can cause a disc to move forward over a vertebra.
  • Impact injuries from accidents or falls leading to muscle strain, tear and also bone fractures.
  • Lifting injuries that cause microtears in the muscles and ligaments of the back.

Back Pain Symptoms

  • Pain in the lower back, hips and buttocks.
  • Referred pain down the leg sometimes to the foot.
  • Numbness or tingling down the leg into the foot – sciatica.
  • Pain is worse after periods of sitting or standing and often relieved by walking.
  • Often ongoing.

In my opinion acupuncture is one of the best treatments for back pain as it:

  • can get in to where the problems really are.  Other therapies like massage can only work at a superficial muscular level.
  • doesn’t just create a local healing affect in the area of pain.  It creates a global healing affect by reprogramming your body’s central nervous system to reduce the pain and start fixing the problem. It literally kick-starts your body’s natural healing process again – the process that has broken down.  It also reduces the need to take any pain killers or anti-inflammatories that can damage your stomach if you use them too long.
  • has collateral benefits. Getting acupuncture brings a whole raft of other health benefits as well.  There’s usually improvements to some other health issues you may have and you’ll feel great and relaxed.
  • requires no home exercises for you to forget to do or have no time to do.  You just have to lie there.
  • can be combined with cupping therapy if required for an improved result.


Evidence of how acupuncture can assist with pain relief and management is here.

Acupuncture for lower back pain