Evergreen Natural Health - Bairnsdale

Evergreen Natural Health – Moonee Ponds



Qigong Breathing Bairnsdale
qigong Bairnsdale

Learn Energy Breathing & Self-Healing Qigong in Bairnsdale

- Take more control of your own health & wellbeing in 2025
- Most people don’t breathe properly which can contribute to health problems
- Learning how to breathe properly is perhaps the single greatest thing you can do for your health
- Self-healing Qigong is a series of specific movements for good health - like giving yourself acupuncture without the needles
- Choose to learn Energy Breathing, Self-Healing Qigong or BOTH
- Only one program scheduled for 2025

Most People Don't Breathe Properly

Most people are shallow breathers. They breathe only with their chest.

Most people are not taking the full rejuvenating breaths they need for good health.

Breathing only with your chest means that you are only using a fraction of your lung capacity and are therefore missing out on the enormous health benefits that breathing properly brings.

If you watch a baby breathe you’ll see that they breathe with their whole body.  It’s the same with a cat or dog – just look at them breathing while they are sleeping – their whole body is moving.

Although we breathe properly when we are infants, we soon ‘unlearn’ how to breathe as we experience life, stress and ageing.

In fact, most people stop breathing during many of their daily activities.  Next time you are typing on a keyboard or even looking at your phone, see if you can catch yourself holding your breath.

Herbalist Bruce Stafford

Dr Bruce Stafford
Chinese Medicine
Qigong Instructor

Qigong Bairnsdale

What Are the Problems With Not Breathing Properly?

  • Poor oxygenation – your body needs a strong flow of oxygen-rich blood to thrive –  without it your organs simply cannot function as well as they should.  Poor oxygenation also creates stress on your heart and lungs which can cause fatigue. 
  • Constant state of stress – your body is constantly in fight or flight mode/on edge because it simply doesn’t not have enough oxygen.  Higher stress results in your body elevating your cortisol (your stress-response hormone).  Higher cortisol is associated with a host of conditions including weight gain, insomnia, mood swings and memory and concentration.
  • Tension – your body and all of your organs are tense impacting how well they work.

Learning to Breathe Properly Brings a Lot of Health Benefits

  • Promotes the strong flow of oxygen-rich blood – good blood flow is good health.
  • Retrain your diaphragm – most people’s diaphragms are stiff and don’t move well at all.
  • Massages your internal organs – engaging your diaphragm properly helps massage your internal organs to improve fluid and blood flow in and around them.
  • Develops a relaxation reflex instead of a stress reflex – retraining yourself to breathe properly will also retrain how you respond to stress.
  • Improves Lung function – you lungs are a key source of postnatal Chi (internal energy) – oxygen-rich lungs directly and powerfully build your energy.
  • Improves Chi, blood and oxygen flow – this is the ultimate goal of Qigong.  I always tell my patients – ‘good blood flow equals good health…everything your body needs is in your blood and strong Chi helps propel your blood.’

'But I can Breathe Properly Already!'

For some people it’s hard to believe that they need some training in how to breathe properly…after all, they have been doing it their whole lives!

But I can tell you from having treated thousands of patients, most people do not breath well and do not get the rejuvenating breaths they need to sustain good health.  It’s the very reason why I created the Energy Breathing Program.

But try these easy tests to see how well you breathe:

Energy Breathing Qigong

Test #1: Movement

Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen and breathe normally.  Which hand moves? If the hand on your chest moves more than the hand on your abdomen, then you are not breathing properly.

Health Qigong

Test #2: Breath Count

Sit there and breathe normally.  Time your breathing for 30 seconds.  How many times did you breathe (this means a full breath in and out)?  If you take 4 or more breaths then you are not breathing properly (note: short breaths mean that you are breathing too shallowly).

Who Can Benefit From Learning How to Breathe Properly?

  • People who are stressed, busy-minded or anxious. At any time you can quickly and easily steady and calm yourself by focusing on proper breathing. You are also retraining yourself to be calmer at all times.
  • People who are tired all the time. Full use of your lungs and the high levels of oxygenation that ensues does wonders for your energy levels.
  • People who are in pain. Using your breath to focus your blood flow can help to self-heal and reduce pain.
  • People who have long-term, unresolved health problems.  

Energy breathing can be learned and practised by anyone regardless of health status, medications, treatments they are receiving and age.

Teaching Qigong

How Do You Learn Energy Breathing?

Energy breathing is taught in three, 1.5 hour weekly workshops.  You will learn in stages so you can practise what you have learned at home before we move on to the next stage.

Dr Bruce will cover some of the anatomy and Chinese medicine principles involved.  However, most of the time is spent on practical breathing exercises.

You will also be given access to online resources to help with your practice and be provided three months email support should you have any questions.

The workshops are delivered by Dr Bruce.

The History of Qigong and Breathing

Qigong (pronounced ‘chee-goong’) means energy work. You are using breath, movement and intent to develop and move your internal Chi and blood flow. 

I often say that the daily practice of Qigong is like giving yourself acupuncture, but without the needles.  You are aiming to achieve the same outcome as if you were getting regular acupuncture.

The history of Qigong, the Chinese taoist practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and martial arts training, extends back more than 4,000 years.

The Taoists spent thousands of years learning how to breathe properly. They knew the enormous importance of this to their health and longevity. They also practised martial arts and meditation, but perhaps their greatest focus was on breathing.

In fact, breathing properly is at the foundation of getting the greatest health benefits out of any other health discipline like tai chi, yoga, meditation or even your daily walk.

Bairnsdale Qigong

Self-Healing Qigong

Self-healing Qigong is a series of specific movements designed to improve blood and energy flow in your body.  It’s like giving yourself acupuncture, but without the needles. 

Good blood flow is critical to good health.  Your blood contains oxygen, nutrients and hormones – everything your body needs to function well.  Whether you are younger or older, good blood flow only improves your health.

The movements, although specific, are not difficult to learn or do and can be done by anyone regardless of age.

In fact, Qigong is a wonderful form of exercise because you can do it well into older age.

Ideally, Self-healing Qigong is done along with Energy Breathing, however, it can certainly be done in it’s own right.

Bairnsdale Qigong
Bruce Stafford Herbalist

About Your Instructor - Dr Bruce Stafford

Bruce is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist and Western Medical Herbalist.  He has been training in martial arts for over 40 years. He is an instructor in the internal martial arts of Tai Chi Chuang, Hsing-I and Qigong.

Dr Bruce has treated many thousands of patients in his busy Chinese medicine clinics.  He realised early on that at the root of most people’s health problems was poor blood flow to internal organs.  Qigong and learning how to breathe properly is the foundation of developing strong internal energy and blood flow.  Bruce knew that if people learned how to breathe properly, moved to improve their blood flow and practised for 15 minutes a day, that it could make an enormous difference to their health.

The Energy Breathing & Self-Healing Qigong Programs

Dr Bruce’s aim is to teach you these critical skills so it is yours to own and practice to help you take more control of your own health and wellbeing. 

The objective of better base-health is that you do not have to rely as heavily on practitioners and medications and that you feel better in yourself for a much better quality of life. 

Good health means you can spend more time doing the things you love to do in life.

  • By the end of the three week Energy Breathing program you will have learned the skills you need to be able to breath properly again.
  • By the end of the three week Self-healing Qigong program you will have learned the skills to help improve your energy and blood flow
  • Anyone can learn these life-health skills – no previous experience required at all!

Take More Control of Your Health in 2025

Program details yet to be released.

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