Evergreen Natural Health - Bairnsdale

Evergreen Natural Health – Moonee Ponds

January 12, 2025

How Your Organ Health Affects Your Emotions

In this video, Dr Bruce explains how often our emotional state is heavily influenced by our organ health.

December 29, 2024

For Beauty – Inside & Out

Dr Bruce how looking and feeling good on the inside also does the same on the outside.

December 15, 2024

Chinese Medicine for Stress

Dr Bruce talk about how Chinese Medicine can help with stress.

December 1, 2024

What Your Tongue Says About Your Health

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November 24, 2024

Medicinal Herbs & Western Medications

Dr Bruce talks about using Medicinal herbs while on Western medications.

November 17, 2024

What Do We Do with the Acupuncture Needles After Using Them?

We use over 100,000 acupuncture needles a year in our clinic. Ever wonder what we do with them after we use them?

November 10, 2024

The Difference Between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

Dr Bruce highlights the fundamental difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.

September 11, 2024

Acupuncture and Hay Fever

Acupuncture and Hay Fever Written by Dr Sonya Rosenbrock, Bairnsdale clinic. Spring is in the air, there are pretty flowers everywhere. But with all t

August 30, 2024

The Importance of Herbal Medicine

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August 30, 2024

What to Expect at an Appointment at Our Clinic

For many, an appointment at a Chinese Medicine Clinic is a new experience. In this video Dr Bruce takes you through what to expect.

The Main Causes of Infertility

What are the Main Causes of Infertility?

Causes of Infertility

Around 10-15% of women experience infertility problems.  It’s a statistic that appears to be increasing.  But what’s causing it?

Anyone reading this is probably well aware of the main causes of infertility according to Western medicine.  These include age, tube disorders, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease.

But what are the main causes from a natural medicine perspective?

Some are similar to conventional medicine but with identified causes.  And others are very specific to natural medicine, which looks at your fertility more holistically.

Cold in Your Uterus

This is an extremely common problem.  Most women are too cold.  This can be caused by a history of too much cold food and drink, walking barefoot on cold floors, wearing clothes with the mid-drift exposed, working in cold conditions or just being born that way.

To conceive, your uterus must be warm with a healthy lining and good blood flow.  When you think about it, generally things don’t grow well in the cold. Natural medicine uses medicinal herbs and specific foods to warm your uterus up to improve your ability to conceive.

How do you know if you’re too cold?  If your oral temperature is below 36.4 degrees, or if your lower abdomen feels colder than your upper abdomen or if you just feel flat out cold all the time then you are probably too cold.

Weak Kidney Function

In natural medicine your Kidneys are the source of your reproductive and fertility strength.  Strong Kidney function = strong fertility.  Weak Kidney function – weak fertility.

Age definitely affects your Kidney function.  The older you get, the weaker your Kidney function becomes.  Working too hard also depletes your Kidney.


Stress is a big factor in infertility.  Stress reduces your internal blood flow by restricting blood vessels (when you’re stressed you get tight on the outside (neck and shoulders for example) AND you get tight on the inside (your vessels tighten up)).

This restricts blood flow.  Poor blood flow to your uterus reduces the warmth, oxygen, nutrients and hormones it needs to be healthy and robust to support new life.

We help you cope better with stressors in your life with acupuncture, Western medicinal herbs and lifestyle recommendations.


Too much inflammation in the body impacts fertility.  Poor diets, poor blood flow, poor digestive function and certain medications all lead to too much inflammation in the body, which can contribute to growths like fibroids, cysts and adhesions – none of which help fertility.

Even some of the medications used in IVF create a lot of inflammation.

How do you know if you have too much inflammation?  Some tell-tail signs include heavy limbs, sinus congestion, bloating, foggy head, carrying too much weight and swelling.

Poor Liver function

In natural medicine we call the Liver ‘The General’. The General marshals the troupes around your period and calls the shots.  In other words your Liver governs your period consistency, blood flow and PMS symptoms.

When you Liver functions well you are more likely to experience regular and relatively symptom-free periods.

How do you know if your Liver may not be functioning correctly?  Look out for PMS symptoms including irritability, low mood and breast tenderness and swelling. Waking a lot at night is also another key sign.

Toxin Load

More than ever we are subjected to heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, plastics, radiation and other toxins.  The load builds up and interferes with our body’s ability to function correctly including fertility.

A high toxin load also reduces your Liver function, which in turn affects your periods.

Hormonal Balance

There are two main hormones that play a vital role in getting pregnant: FSH and LH.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles and prepares the egg to be released while Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – stimulates oestradiol for egg release. There is a specific balance required between these hormones to enable ovulation and allow you to fall pregnant.

Signs your hormones may be out of balance include: irregular or absent periods; improper ovary function and follicle development.

Birth Control

Often we see women who have been on a birth control pill for more than 10 years before they are ready to have a family.

When you think about it, you’ve told your body (with both the medication and your mind) not to fall pregnant for over a decade and then all of a sudden you tell it that it’s ok to fall pregnant.

Sometimes your body is so hard-wired to not fall pregnant that it has a lot of difficulty getting back to its natural state where it can.

Natural medicine is all about helping to return your body to a natural state so you can conceive.

In summary, declining fertility rates are attributed to what you inherit from your parents, stress levels, toxin exposure, diet, working too hard, age when trying and medications.,

So as you can see, Natural medicine takes quite a different view of your fertility.  Often both conventional and natural medicine working hand-in-hand leads to the best result. So we always recommend that you get both a conventional and natural medicine fertility checkup.

Free 15 Minute Natural Fertility Health Checkup*

*This service is provided free by our practitioners. There are no conditions and no other paid services subsidise these free appointments.

Your Fertility Cup

Your Fertility Cup

In natural medicine much of your fertility and reproductive function comes down to the strength of your Kidneys.

Your Kidneys are the source of your strength in being to generate new life through conception and carrying to term.

Strong Kidney function means stronger fertility.

We liken your Kidney strength to a cup.  If your cup is full then it can overflow into new life easily.  If it is not, then it will be more difficult to conceive.

We call it your Fertility Cup*.

How full your cup is depends on the following:

What you were born with

Some people are born with full cups and others are not.  Generally, the younger you were at menarche the more full your cup was.

How hard you’ve worked

Working hard (mentally or physically) for long hours depletes your Fertility Cup*.

What you’ve eaten and the condition of your digestion.

Poor digestive function (bloating, loose bowels, reflux, etc..) and poor foods (processed and nutrition-deficient foods) depletes your fertility cup.  Good food and digestion refills your fertility cup.

Your stress levels

High stress levels impact your whole body and depletes your Fertility Cup*.

Your Temperature

If you are too cold your Fertility Cup* will have trouble filling.  If you check your oral temperature first thing in the morning before you get out of bed and it’s less than 36.3 degrees, then you are too cold.  Also, if you generally feel cold (ie. you’re wearing a jumper while everyone around you gets around in T-shirts) you are probably too cold too.

Your Toxin Load

Toxins include pathogens (viruses, bacteria and parasites), chemicals (like plastics, pesticides), heavy metals (like mercury) and radiation (from electronics use). We all have many of these toxins but often the load is so great that the body cannot cope and can no longer function as it should.

So What Can You Do to Refill Your Fertility Cup*?

  • Eat well – eat highly nutritious foods (mainly fruit and veg).
  • Orchestrate a better work/life balance and do your best to remove stressors from your life.
  • Tell your body it’s now ok to fall pregnant.  This can be done through meditation or through affirmations.
  • Warm up – do things to start to warm your basal temperature up.
  • Help you body deal with and reduce your toxin load.

Eating to Help Refill Your Fertility Cup

Eating to Help Refill Your Fertility Cup

Your Fertility Cup* reflects the strength of your reproductive function and ability to conceive.

If your Fertility Cup is empty you need to refill it to conceive and carry a healthy baby to term.

One of the ways to refill your Fertility Cup is through what you eat.

Rather than diving into copious details about the specific foods to eat and avoid, which will probably only cause you further stress (another factor that empties your cup) I’ll give you overall general guidelines here.

Eat More of These to Refill Your Fertility Cup*

  • Fruit and Vege – so good for your body in so many ways. Fruit in particular is great: ‘Eat fruit to produce fruit’. Fruit and vege cleanses your system and provides great nutrition. They also contain high quality glucose, which is needed for healthy reproductive function. Fruit and vege teaming with ‘pro fertility’ compounds include wild berries, bananas, oranges, avocados, grapes, melons, cucumbers, limes, cherries, spinach, kale, artichokes, garlic, asparagus, potatoes, sprouts and raw honey.
  • Whole Foods – eat foods as nature intended – whole.  So eat the whole potato (skin and all) rather than make mashed potato from a packet.  Organic is is course best as it helps to reduce your toxin load.  But if you can’t do all organic, try to the following organic: potatoes, leafy greens, broccoli and celery.  Otherwise standard fruit and vege is fine but wash things well.

Eat Moderately

  • Good Fats – good fats such as those in avocado and nuts can trigger beneficial hormone production but don’t go overboard.  Your liver dislikes all fats and it will compromise your liver function if you eat too much of it.  A healthy and robust liver helps to govern your periods.  If you suffer from bad PMS or period pain then go easy on fats.

Eat Less of These (they stop you from filling your Fertility Cup)

  • Cold Food and Drink – if you are too cold then don’t make yourself colder by consuming cold things.  Being too cold empties your Fertility Cup* and affects your hormone production.
  • Processed Foods – see ‘Eat more whole foods’ above.
  • Grains & Sugar – (particularly grains that contain gluten) cause a lot of inflammation and feed pathogens (viruses, bacteria and parasites) to increase your toxin load.  A high toxin load affects your fertility.
  • Eggs – eggs feed pathogens to increase your toxin load.
  • Highly Adrenalised Foods Including Animal Protein and Dairy – high levels of adrenaline are almost like an antifertility drug.
  • Coffee and Alcohol – coffee spikes your adrenaline and alcohol compromises your liver.  Neither are good for fertility.

What Now?

Before you freak out about cutting out all the foods you love, know that doing something is better than nothing.

So, try eating 50% more fruit and vege and 50% less of the things you shouldn’t eat.  This can have a big affect on refilling your Fertility Cup to improve your ability to conceive and carry to term.

But the more you can do to eat as we’ve just discussed, the better you will be able to start filling your Fertility Cup* again.

If you’d like more information about foods then book a Free 45 Minute Natural Fertility health Check*.

*This service is provided free by our practitioners. There are no conditions and no other paid services subsidise these free appointments.

[Special Note: Ketogenic diets have become popular to lose weight.  They are typically high in protein and fats and low in high glycaemic index carbs.  Whilst they can do a great job at helping you lose weight they probably don’t do your fertility many favours.  The problem is too much fat (even good fats) impacts your liver function (which governs your periods according to natural medicine).  Also your reproductive system needs high quality glucose, not huge amounts of protein, to function well.  Although, reducing high GI carbs (like bread, pasta, cake, etc…) will do good things for your fertility.  So, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, it is better for your fertility to mainly eat fruit and vege with some protein (and cut out the naughty carbs).]


Warm Up to Fill Your Fertility Cup

Warm Up to Fill Your Fertility Cup

If you are too cold you may have trouble conceiving.  Being too cold can affect digestive enzyme and hormone production to affect fertility.  Also, a cold uterus does not encourage the formation of new life.

How do you know if you are too cold?

If you feel cold (ie. nobody other than you is wearing a jumper, you hate cold weather, or you simply feel cold all the time) then you are probably too cold.

If your waking oral temperature is less than 36.4 degrees then you are too cold.  To do this you need to buy an oral thermometer (one you put under your tongue) and take your temperature when you wake – but before you get out of bed.  If your temperature is under 36.0 degrees then you are getting very cold (if you are this cold you really need to visit us).

Feel the temperature of your lower abdomen.  If it feels colder than your upper abdomen then you likely have a cold uterus.

What to Do If You Are Too Cold

You need to warm up!  Here’s some strategies you can follow yourself.

  • Don’t eat much cold food or drink – it will only make you colder.  Eat mainly cooked food.  Still eat some raw foods but add ginger or cinnamon to it.  The warmth of these foods helps to offset the cold of the food.
  • Eat warming foods – warming foods gently warm your interior to help fill your ‘Fertility Cup’.  This includes cooked food, but also includes spices that warm you even when eaten raw like ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, turmeric and mild chilli (don’t go crazy with chilli as it can heat you up to much to cause the opposite problem).
  • Routinely use a hot water bottle on your lower back and your lower abdomen – these physically heat up these problem areas.
  • Don’t walk around in bare feet – the cold from the floor can transfer cold to your Kidneys as there is a Kidney acupuncture point on the bottom of your feet. Cold Kidneys are no good for fertility.
  • Cover your mid-drift – don’t wear clothes that reveal your lower back or your abdomen.  It’s too easy for them to get cold.
  • Don’t work in a cold environment – such as a butcher shop, office with airconditioning turned up too high or outside in winter without the proper clothing.

If you feel cold all the time or your oral temperature is less than 36.0 degrees, you should visit us for a Free 45 Minute Natural Fertility Health Check*

*This service is provided free by our practitioners. It is done online via video call with one of our practitioners. There are no conditions and no other paid services subsidise these free appointments.